Scheduling Your Workouts with Your Chiropractic Adjustments
By Dr. Drew Voelsch
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Schedule with Dr. Drew
For those leading a healthy lifestyle, it’s important to ensure that you don’t over work your body. Unfortunately, many people think that if they work harder, they’ll eventually get to become stronger. However, a good balance is a must to ensure that your body is working as it should.
Whatever your go-to physical activity may be—whether you’re a runner, cyclist, lifter, or you do yoga—it’s important that you maintain your body’s functions by getting chiropractic treatments. But seeing as you’re leading an active lifestyle, it may be quite confusing to create a schedule to help accommodate your chiropractic treatments, right?
Should I Go to a Chiropractor Before or After My Workout?
It’s a common question that many people ask: If you get a chiropractic adjustment before your workout, will you be that much more susceptible to injuries?
The answer depends on how you want your body to react to your workouts. If you’d prefer that your body heal itself, then it’s best that you schedule your chiropractic treatment after your workout or a few hours before your next workout.
If you’re prone to getting injuries, however, then it’s best that you go through a chiropractic treatment before your time at the gym. Just like with any other injury, your body will be able to heal itself as you put in your hard work!
When Is It Best to Exercise after Chiropractic Adjustment?
Obviously, you’ll need to wait for a little bit after you’ve gotten your chiropractic adjustment before you work out, but you can’t deny that all the changes that you’ll feel in your body are all worth it.
It’s best to wait for at least a few hours before you get back to physical activity. Of course, the timing will depend on how long you’ve made your appointment for the chiropractor, and the level at which you will be working out.
If you’re going to be working out for a longer period of time, you should wait for at least a day before exercising again. If you’re going to be lifting heavier weights, we recommend that you wait at least three to five days, and if you’re going to be doing cardio, we recommend that you wait at least a day to a week.
Is Weight Training Advisable after Chiropractic Adjustment?
Weight training isn’t exactly like doing cardio, and in many cases it’s not advisable to do it after chiropractic adjustments. That’s because there are higher chances that you’ll get injured if you’re using heavy weights, especially if you haven’t warmed up before you participated in your weight lifting.
If you’re going to choose to get weight training done, make sure you request for a lighter set of weights. You should also make sure that you’re using proper form.
Weight training can actually help speed up your recovery time if you get a chiropractic adjustment after it, but you should keep in mind that the heavier weights will put undue stress on your body and you might end up straining certain areas.
The Bottom Line: Make Sure to Be Mindful of Your Workout and Chiropractic Treatment Schedule
As much as we want to be able to work out longer and harder, we can’t deny that injuries occur when we don’t take care of our bodies as much as we should. If you get a chiropractic adjustment before you work out, it’ll help your body restore itself and it’ll help you be able to put in more time during your next workout session.
The best way to schedule your workouts and get a chiropractic adjustment is by consulting with your chiropractor. They will be able to tell you what your workout schedule should be so you don’t end up straining any of your body’s parts.
How Can We Help You?
Are you looking for a Chiropractor in Arlington? If so, Hawkeye Chiropractic is here for you.
We’re a full-service chiropractic center that’s led by Dr. Drew Voelsch, the top Chiropractor in the area. We work with all types of patients, from those who are looking to get relief from pain to those who want to live better lives by staying in shape.
Book an appointment today!
“Dr Drew is upfront about what’s going on with your body. He helps work with you to achieve the goals that you as a patient want to set. I highly recommend him to those interested in chiropractic services.P.S Go Cyclones!”
Pronoy DasGupta